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My line quality drawing displays a tall, metal, reflective vase with a large flower in it. The vase is surrounded by a bunch of ropes, which really tested my line quality drawing skills. The range of value in my drawing turned out well, as I incorporated darks and lights in each part. Because my range of value was ideal, this piece also had a good contrast between lights and darks. I also thought I did well with the proportions and shape of the vase, as the size of the vase and flower look accurate. The accurate proportions and shape allowed my piece to have better movement, as the viewer's eye is led up to the top of the flower and down to the bottom with the strings. One aspect of this drawing that I think I could improve is the texture of the flower. I think I could add some more details to the petals to make them appear more life-like. Another area of my drawing that I could improve is the line quality of the ropes. I think that I could have made them more realistic so they look more like ropes.

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